Secrets and Hope in Our Mad World

Early in 2017 I read George Marshall’s book ‘Don’t Even Think About It: Why We are Wired Not to Think About Climate Change’ and I decided I would think about it. And I would read about it. Then I would write about it.

I write as a 'non-expert' and I'm hoping that your comments will help me to see whether the insights I've

gained make sense, whether the conclusions stack up and whether it's realistic for me to start feeling

hopeful about the future .

School Shootings

Rarely has a story left me feeling so sad and angry as that which hit the headlines recently which described the use of guns given to teachers to protect children in school in the US. And rarely has the cause of the problem seemed so obvious to me:  Surely shootings in schools in the US are the symptom of a sick society.  Sick because it is run by a wealthy elite whose priority is to make money while paying little or no attention to the well-being of either people or environment.  Sick because the agenda which reigns supreme values competition, greed and self interest.  Sick because lots of money is made out of misery hence the sale of guns and security forces are very profitable.  Seems like a 'no-brainer' to me!

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