Secrets and Hope in Our Mad World

Early in 2017 I read George Marshall’s book ‘Don’t Even Think About It: Why We are Wired Not to Think About Climate Change’ and I decided I would think about it. And I would read about it. Then I would write about it.

I write as a 'non-expert' and I'm hoping that your comments will help me to see whether the insights I've

gained make sense, whether the conclusions stack up and whether it's realistic for me to start feeling

hopeful about the future .

A fantasy scenario?!

Suppose we lived on a planet which couldn't support us all in the lifestyle of excessive material consumption to which we had all been encouraged to aspire ...  
Suppose those at the top of the tree who 'had it all' depended on us all aspiring to ever more goodies so that they could make the profit necessary to support their luxury lifestyle ...
Suppose those at the top of the tree were continually expanding their 'empire' by encouraging yet more people to believe a good life depended on buying their goodies ...
Suppose those at the bottom of the tree were encouraged, by those at the top of the tree, to move around the planet where they would be able to buy more goodies. (And provide cheaper labour than local workers in developed countries) ...
Suppose automation and information technology reduced the need for workers ... 
Suppose transnational corporations and trade deals were set up to undermine the power of national governments ...
Suppose those at the top of the tree were able to guide attention and influence opinion by their hold over media, mainstream and social ...

What would happen? 

Those at the top of the tree, keen to hang on to their wealth, would deflect attention from their wealth and over-use of the Earth's limited resources by finding scapegoats
Those whose standard of living was being undermined by techology and incoming cheap labour would get pretty mad.  They could easily be persuaded that immigrants were the villains of the piece!
Those at the top of the tree would consolidate their wealth by making big profits from the ever-growing private security business
Public protest would be made more difficult by the privatisation of much public land
Reduced need for large educated and health workforce so state education and health provision slips down the government's agenda
Still a need for people to continue to buy to support the economy so credit encouraged and the wealthy are targetted by advertisers

Fantasy?  Perhaps not ... 

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